Kamis, 04 Desember 2008

chapter ten: just my hiding thought 2

When the night comes
Sometimes there’s a fear
Scare loosing all the memories ‘bout you
Scare that I can’t open my eyes anymore
So I just keep awake
Pretending that you were here
Memorizing all the things what we’ve done all day long
Even though I just wish to see your shadow in the darkness night
That enough to comfort me
Maybe people thought that I’m insane
But it’s really doesn’t matter for me
I don’t care what they’ve though
I just want you to believe
That I always here to keep you along

3 komentar:

my ramadhani mengatakan...

yeehh just believe in you BIG sist,,hohho..

Anonim mengatakan...

ehm, menurut gw tentang postingan lu kali ini....................bahasa inggris lu bagus (haagghh!!!ya eyalaaahhh, asisten gituhh, hoho)..


tapi gw makin pnasaran nih len, SIAPA SIH DIA?? senyuman2 maut yang lu tunjukin stiap gw nanya tentang ini, bikin otak gw selalu dipenuhi 3R (taulah sapa..hee),,


hohh. berharap gw tau, soon.

hee **

Anonim mengatakan...

ni murni just my poem
ga ada hubungannya ma Mr R
yah jd buat choen ga perlu pusing2 nebak